Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Make compromises

-Laia, can you do the washing-up, please?
-Yes, in a minute. I'm busy at the moment.
-Come on, Laia. What are you doing?
-I'm watching a film now. It's really good.
-Laia! You need to do the wasing-up now!
-Please, Mum! It it OK if I do it later?
-I suppose so, but don't forget to do it!
-OK! OK!

Ask for and give opinions

-Hey, Alba, look at this.
-This had. What do you think of it?
-Not much, why?
-Don't you like it? I think it's very fashionable.
-Well, it's OK, I suppose. But what about this T-shirt? It's really nice.
-No, I don't think much of that. I can't stand that colour.
-Oh, well, we can't all have good taste!

Talk about experiences in the past

-Hey, Alba. How was your weekend?
-Not bad, thanks.
-What did you do?
-Oh, I just went shopping on Barcelona. What about you?
-I played basketball at the sports centre yesterday. It was fun. When did you last play basketball?
-I don't know, maybe three weeks ago.
-How was it?
-Very good. Let's play next weekend.
-OK, grat. See you then.
-Bye, Laia. See you later.